Every two weeks, a group of very interesting people get together in an event called #LetsBlogOff in order to blog about one common topic. This is the second time I join the group and it´s becoming addictive, so I´m planning on making it my own every two Tuesdays tradition, which goes perfect with this week´s topic: What traditions do you keep?

Let me start by introducing you to my family:

We´re not the kind of family that goes along with traditions; we do things differently every time. We don´t have big family trips to the same place every year, or celebrate national holidays in a specific way or even celebrate birthdays the same way, but we´re full of small traditions like building legos, weekends at the beach and an occasional Friday movie.

And, as everyone, I have my own share of weird traditions such as waking up at 3 in the morning to write an amazing idea I had while sleeping (which ends up being not so amazing in the morning), but that´s just me (or maybe not).

Our most common small tradition is TV nights on the couch. Most of the times we watch cartoons, since the kids always take over the remote control. We usually eat popcorn, which ends up in the floor more often than I´d like, giving birth to another tradition: Ana sweeping the floor the next morning, but that´s part of a different story, a sadder one.

Everyone has a place in the living room: Paul shares the big couch with Luca, Jacques sits in the rocking chair and I have the small couch all by myself. Ah! And Mia, the newest member of the family falls asleep on my feet. 

Of course, this small tradition wouldn´t be complete without Luca asking:Is that character a bad guy or a good guy?And Jacques responding:Please! I can´t hear!” … Ahhh! Family!

Some people need traditions to feel that they´re part of something, that they belong somewhere. We´re not like that; traditions to us, small traditions that is, are a way of being close to each other, of staying connected, of bonding.

Traditions for us are just one more way of saying: I´m here for you…


And you, what traditions do you carry on?


To read what other bloggers think, go to #LetsBlogOff page, since my browser was not kind enough to let me paste the logo and table of participants.